1.   Dole campaign strategist Mary Matalin dismissed the notion that Republicans need to stress issues that only appeal to women.

2.   It not only appeals to our inner Godzilla.

3.   The Justice Department not only appealed, but last month issued a regulation that bars state and local governments from making the names public.

4.   The players can only appeal the fines, not the suspensions, a league spokesman said.

5.   The players can only appeal the fines to the NBA, not the suspensions, a league spokesman said.

6.   An innocent verdict can only be appealed on grounds of legal or judicial misdirection or malpractice.

7.   China has only appealed to the morality and discipline of its public servants, the petition said.

8.   Defendants convicted by military courts can only appeal to the president for clemency.

9.   Defendants in military trials can only appeal to Mubarak.

10.   Detainees can only appeal the decision to a special, three-member review panel, on which there will be one military official and two presidential appointees.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
only 1.13%
only + v. >>共 924
be 5.28%
have 4.49%
make 2.64%
get 2.18%
take 1.49%
see 1.40%
go 1.24%
begin 1.18%
find 1.18%
hope 1.16%
appeal 0.05%
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